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Bolton Diskrepanz

Bolton Tooth-Size Discrepancy: A Review of the Literature


Bolton tooth-size discrepancy (TSD) is a common finding in orthodontic practice. It is defined as a discrepancy between the available space in the arches and the size of the teeth. TSD can be positive (more space than teeth) or negative (more teeth than space).

Causes of Bolton TSD

The most common cause of Bolton TSD is narrow upper lateral incisors. Other causes include:

  • Narrow or wide canines
  • Narrow or wide premolars
  • Missing or supernumerary teeth
  • Excessive or insufficient tooth wear

Clinical Significance of Bolton TSD

Bolton TSD can have a significant impact on the occlusion and aesthetics of the smile. Positive TSD can lead to crowding, while negative TSD can lead to spacing. Bolton TSD can also affect the stability of orthodontic treatment.

Treatment of Bolton TSD

The treatment of Bolton TSD depends on the severity of the discrepancy. Mild TSD can be treated with non-extraction orthodontic treatment, while more severe TSD may require extraction of teeth.


Bolton TSD is a common finding in orthodontic practice. It is important to be aware of the causes and clinical significance of TSD in order to provide the best possible treatment for patients.
