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Salesforce: The World's Leading AI Customer Relationship Management CRM Platform

Salesforce Customer 360: Our Complete Suite of Services

Learn More About Salesforce's Newest Digital Engagement Capabilities

Salesforce, the world's leading AI customer relationship management (CRM) platform, recently announced the expansion of its Service Cloud Digital Engagement capabilities. This latest update provides contact centers with the data they need to drive growth by equipping them with an AI-powered, real-time view of each customer’s journey.

Salesforce Customer 360 is the company's complete suite of services, which offers a 360-degree view of the customer and empowers businesses to deliver personalized experiences across sales, service, marketing, and commerce. With Salesforce Customer 360, businesses can:

  • Increase sales productivity by providing sales teams with the insights and tools they need to close deals faster.
  • Improve customer service by giving agents a complete view of the customer's history and preferences.
  • Personalize marketing campaigns by delivering targeted messages to each customer based on their individual needs.
  • Drive growth by creating a seamless customer experience across all channels.

To learn more about Salesforce Customer 360 and how it can help your business, visit the Salesforce website today.


