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Should We Cancel Christmas to Avoid Another COVID Spike?

The Debate

As the holiday season approaches, health experts are urging people to consider canceling Christmas gatherings to avoid a potential surge in COVID-19 cases. With the highly contagious Omicron variant spreading rapidly, many are concerned that large family gatherings could lead to a spike in infections.

Arguments for Canceling Christmas

Proponents of canceling Christmas argue that the risk of spreading COVID-19 is simply too great. Large gatherings in poorly ventilated indoor spaces provide an ideal environment for the virus to spread. Even if attendees are vaccinated, there is still a chance they could become infected or transmit the virus to others, especially those who are vulnerable.

Arguments for Celebrating Christmas

Opponents of canceling Christmas argue that the holiday provides essential social and emotional benefits. After two years of pandemic restrictions, many people are eager to see their loved ones and celebrate the season together. They believe that the mental health benefits of Christmas outweigh the potential risks if precautions are taken.


Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to cancel Christmas is a personal one. There are valid arguments on both sides of the debate. Individuals and families should weigh the risks and benefits and make the choice that they feel is best for them. If Christmas gatherings do take place, it is essential to take precautions to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19, such as getting vaccinated, wearing masks, and maintaining social distancing.
